Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 2 - Signs & Visual Communication, Part 2b- Designing custom Rebus, Pictograms, Re-Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CS6

Part 2a - Tuesday/Wednesday ALL PERIODS
- Doing research on Calligrams, Pictograms and Rebus, putting those references on your personal portfolio blog.
- Using Photoshop and Illustrator to draw shapes; coloring and moving shapes; adding text and saving documents.
Part 2b - Thursday/Friday ALL PERIODS
- Making a custom rebus, and creating original Pictograms.

a.) Define the term calligram  What is a calligram?
b.) Find three separate images to post onto your blog as examples of calligrams.  In the caption beneath each picture, identify the word contained in the calligram, and what is being shown.
c.) See the examples below.  Copy each image to your blog, and in the caption identify each calligram - what is the image, and essentially what is the text saying.
a.) Calligrams - calligram is a poem, phrase, or word in which the typefacecalligraphy or handwriting is arranged in a way that creates a visual image.

Panther. The animal and its in the shape of the panther.

Ant. It's int the shape of the ant and explaining what ants do.

a.) Define the term pictogram.  What is a pictogram?
b.) Find three separate images to post onto your blog as examples of pictograms.  In the caption beneath each picture, explain what the pictogram is displaying, and what the viewer is meant to do, think, or feel when he or she sees the image.
c.) See the examples below.  Copy each image to your blog, and in the caption identify each pictogram activity.
a.) Pictograms - pictogram, also called a pictogrammepictograph, or simply picto, and also an icon, is an ideogram that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object.

This is about the airport.

This is about sports.

a.) Define the term rebus.  What is a rebus?
b.) Find three pictures of a rebus puzzle, and attempt to translate the symbols used in the rebus into a sentence in plain English.  Write a second sentence that describes what images are used in the rebus.
c.) See the examples below.  Copy each image to your blog, and in the caption translate the meaning of the rebus.
a.) Rebus - A rebus is an allusional device that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words.

I love you.

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